Uttar Pradesh

Constituency details
Gorakhpur is a Lok Sabha parliamentary constituency in Gorakhpur, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India.
In the 2004 Lok Sabha Elections, the constituency had 1,432,002 eligible voters, of whom 48.13% exercised their franchise. There were nine candidates. Election was conducted at 1227 polling stations, and 689,248 valid votes were counted. Adityanath Yogi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was elected by a margin of 142,309 votes.
Election History
Lok Sabha 2009
- Aditya Nath
- Ajay Kumar
- Aman
- Awadhesh Singh
- Chedi Lal
- Daya Sankar Nishad
- Brijesh Mani Tripathi
- Govind
- Harish Chandra
- Jokhan Prasad
- Lal Bahadur
- Lal Chand Nishad
- Manoj
- Manoj Tiwari
- Neeraj Yadav
- Niranran Prasad
- Om Prakash
- Raj Bahadur
- Raj Mani
- Rajan Urf Rajan Yadav
- Rajesh Sahani
- Rakesh Kumar
- Ramhit Nishad
- Shree Nath
- Vinay Shankar Tiwari
- Vinod Shukla
Wikipedia References
- Wikipedia profile, accessed Jan 27, 2014.